Specimens of Oryzomys referable to the megacephalus complex (Musser et al., 1998) collected in the Parque Nacional Noël Kempff Mercado (PNNKM), eastern Bolivia, are discriminated from three other currently recognized species of that group (O. megacephalus, O. perenensis, O. laticeps) by analysis of cranial morphometrics and molecular sequence of the cytochrome b gene. The Bolivian sample has the closest genetic relationship to O. perenensis (Kimura 2-parameter genetic distance × 100: 14.8) and O. laticeps (distance 12.0), but the genetic distance is large. The Bolivian sample is clearly separated from the others by both principal component and discriminant function analyses of cranial and body variables. We here describe it as a new species. Morphologically, it is intermediate in size, along with O. perenensis, between the smaller O. megacephalus and the larger-bodied O. laticeps. In pelage color and occlusal pattern it closely resembles O. megacephalus. The geographic range appears to be a relatively small area of the western basin of the Río Itenez that drains easternmost Santa Cruz and Beni Departments. Genetically verified populations of the four species are thus far allopatric, with the known range of the new species wedged between the geographic ranges of O. perenensis to the west and O. megacephalus to the east.
Rats of the Oryzomys “capito” complex (Muridae, Sigmodontinae) have received major revisionary study that has made them one of the better understood groups of South American rodents (Gardner and Patton, 1976; Musser et al., 1998; Patton et al., 2000; Weksler, 2003). Some species of this genus are the most common terrestrial murid rodents of lowland Neotropical forests, and large series of specimens from widespread localities have permitted extensive biogeographic analysis (Musser et al., 1998; Costa, 2003; Lessa et al., 2003). Nevertheless, many parts of the geographic range of the Oryzomys “capito” complex remain poorly sampled, and novelties might still be expected.
Three species complexes, including 11 species, have been defined within the formerly grouped “capito” complex (Musser et al., 1998; Patton et al., 2000). One of these, the megacephalus complex, includes at least four currently recognized species, O. megacephalus Fischer, 1814, O. perenensis Allen, 1901, O. laticeps Lund, 1840, and O. yunganus Thomas, 1902. Another named species, O. seuanezi Weksler, Geise, and Cerqueira, 1999, from the Atlantic forests of Brazil, includes the coastal populations designated as O. laticeps by Patton et al. (2000) and Costa (2003; M. Weksler, personal commun., 2004). There remains ambiguity concerning the relationships of true laticeps, which is known only from its lectotype (Musser et al., 1998; Weksler et al., 1999). As we do not resolve this issue, we follow Musser et al. (1998), Patton et al. (2000), and Costa (2003) and provisionally retain the name O. laticeps for the large, gray Oryzomys from coastal forests, although Weksler (personal commun.) argues on biogeographic grounds that laticeps is likely a synonym of megacephalus. Cytochrome b gene sequence analysis has indicated O. yunganus to be the sister group to a clade including O. megacephalus, O. perenensis, and O. laticeps (Patton et al., 2000), and we here follow Costa (2003) in using a restricted definition of the megacephalus complex that excludes O. yunganus. Species of this complex are morphologically similar and generally allopatric, making it difficult to distinguish small intraspecific geographic variation from species-level divergence. Integrated morphological, karyotypic, and molecular genetic analyses have proven key to untangling the relationships between taxa of this genus.
During mammal inventories of Parque Nacional Noël Kempff Mercado (PNNKM), in Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, we found that the most commonly collected forest murid is a species of the O. megacephalus complex that differs from the described forms. Moreover, it occurs midway between the geographic ranges of O. megacephalus and O. perenensis that were mapped from specimens with molecularly supported identifications (Costa, 2003: fig. 7). Morphological and molecular analyses showed that this rat is distinct from other known members of the genus. We here describe and name it as a new species.
Molecular Techniques:
Genomic DNA was extracted with the DNAeasy kit (Qiagen, Inc., Valencia, CA) from liver preserved in the field in 95% ethanol. The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cyt-b) in Oryzomys is 1143 base pairs (bp) long (Smith and Patton, 1999). We amplified the entire gene as two fragments of approximately equal length that overlapped by about 350 bp. Primer pair MVZ05-MVZ16 amplified the initial 800+ bases of the gene, and primer pair MVZ127-MVZ108 amplified the terminal 700+ bases of the gene (primer sequences in Smith and Patton, 1999; Patton et al., 2000; Leite, 2003). Double-stranded DNA was purified using the QIAquick PCR Purification kit (Qiagen, Inc., Valencia, CA) following protocols used in previous studies (Smith and Patton, 1999). The light strand of this template was then cycle-sequenced with primers MVZ05 and MVZ127 and run on an ABI 3730 capillary automated sequencer following manufacturer protocols using Big-Dye chain terminators. Sequences were aligned and edited using the Sequence Navigator software (Applied Biosystems, Inc.).
We obtained the entire 1143-bp gene sequence for five individuals of the PNNKM Oryzomys series and added these to a truncated database of 801-bp sequences containing multiple individuals of each of the recognized species of the O. megacephalus group (Musser et al., 1998). Our complete dataset includes 19 sequences of O. perenensis, 41 of O. megacephalus, and 7 of O. laticeps, in addition to those of the new taxon, plus 4 sequences of O. yunganus. We used two sequences each of the five species of the O. nitidus complex (O. emmonsae, O. legatus, O. macconnelli, O. nitidus, and O. russatus; Musser et al., 1998) as the outgroup in phylogenetic analyses, a position supported by other molecular studies (e.g., Weksler, 2003). Sequences not generated for this study have been analyzed previously (Patton et al., 2000; Costa, 2003); provenance and other supporting data for each of these can be found in those publications. GenBank accession numbers for specimens of Oryzomys n. sp. USNM 597565–66 and 597572 are AY940623–5.
We performed two levels of phylogenetic analysis, using the maximum parsimony inference in PAUP*4.0b10 (Swofford, 2002). The first included all 86 sequences of the combined O. megacephalus group and O. nitidus group samples, plus those of O. yunganus. Given the size of the dataset, we restricted this analysis to a single heuristic search using stepwise addition and tree-bisection-reconnection (TBR) branch swapping. This analysis (not presented below) confirmed the previous studies of Patton et al. (2000) and Costa (2003) regarding the monophyly of each of the species in the O. megacephalus-group, with bootstrap support of 96 to 100 at each basal node. We then performed a second analysis using a truncated dataset comprised of 1 sequence from each outgroup species and 3–6 of the most divergent sequences from each species clade identified in the initial analysis. For this smaller dataset, we again used maximum parsimony but with the branch and bound search option, to provide an optimal recovery of minimum-length trees. In both analyses, we treated variable nucleotide characters as unordered and given equal weight, and assessed the robustness of nodes by bootstrapping (Felsenstein, 1985), with 1000 iterations.
Morphometric Analyses:
We obtained external variables (total length, tail length, length of the hind foot, and height of the ear) from specimen labels and recorded 20 cranial measurements with digital calipers to the nearest 0.01 mm. The variables are the same set used by Patton et al. (2000), who provide complete descriptions of each measurement: condyloincisive length [CIL], zygomatic breadth [ZB], mastoid breadth [MB], rostral length [RL], nasal length [NL], rostral width-1 [RW-1], rostral width-2 [RW-2], orbital length [OL], diastemal length [D], molar toothrow length [MTRL], incisive foramen length [IFL], palatal bridge length [PBL], alveolar width [AW], occipital condyle breadth [OCB], basioccipital length [BOL], mesopterygoid fossa length [MPFL], mesopterygoid fossa width [MPFW], zygomatic plate length [ZPL], and cranial depth [CD]. We assigned individuals to an age class based on tooth wear, using the pattern categories described by Myers and Carleton (1981), and included only adult specimens (age categories 3–5) in all statistical summaries and comparisons. For the latter, we used StatView, version 4.5 (SAS Institute, Inc., 1998) to calculate standard descriptive statistics (mean, standard error), compared samples of each species by ANOVA using Fisher's PLSD posterior test of significance for each pair of taxa, and visualized the relationship of each species sample in multivariate space using principal components following log-transformation. For canonical discriminant function analysis, also using log-transformed cranial variables for each a priori defined species, we used the software package Statistica, version 4.1 (StatSoft, Inc., 1994). Our selection of samples is not exhaustive, as prior studies (Musser et al., 1998; Patton et al., 2000) document relative character uniformity within each of the cis-Andean species of the O. megacephalus complex. The comparisons documented below are based on 18 specimens of the Oryzomys, n. sp., from eastern Bolivia, 4 of O. laticeps from coastal Brazil, 21 O. megacephalus from the southwestern Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, and 34 O. perenensis from western Amazonian Brazilian states of Amazonas and Acre, and the eastern Peru departments of Cusco and Madre de Dios. We measured all but the Brazilian samples of O. perenensis specifically for this study; for the latter we used a subsample of the 258 specimens analyzed in Patton et al. (2000). We measured width of the footpads with calipers on eight fluid-preserved specimens of O. perenensis, four of O. laticeps, four of O. megacephalus, and two of O. n.sp.
We compared pelage colors under natural spectrum light; colors when capitalized, are from Ridgeway (1912). We also give values from Smithe (1975) and descriptive names.
Specimens Examined and Gazetteer
Localities, in degrees, and number corresponding to the map (fig. 6) are given at the beginning of each listing, for the Bolivian samples only. Specimens of species of the O. megacephalus complex that were compared are from populations for which molecular genetic data are available. Specimens measured for morphometric analysis are listed separately at the end of each taxon. See Materials and Methods for specimens sampled for molecular genetic analyses.
Museums are abbreviated as follows: MNK, Museo de Historia Natural Noël Kempff Mercado, Santa Cruz, Bolivia; USNM, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA; MVZ, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California at Berkeley, USA. All uncataloged specimens are in the collection of MNK.
Oryzomys, n.sp.: BOLIVIA, Departamento Santa Cruz: Provincia Velasco, Parque Nacional Noël Kempff Mercado: (1) El Refugio Huanchaca (14°42.553′S, 061°2.034′W, elev. 170 m), MNK 2010; USNM 597563–79, MNK uncataloged, IGP 45, IGP 47, IGP 55–6, LHE1582, NRS09, NRS 13, NRS 16, NRS 25, VCC 01–05, VCC08, VCC 11, VCC 15; (2) Huanchaca II (14°31.416′S, 060°44.364′W, elev. 700 m), USNM 588192; (3) Los Fierros (14° 33.338′S, 060° 55.717′W, elev. 200 m), MNK uncataloged LHE 1680; (4) Lago Caiman (13°35.98′S, 060°54.90′W), MNK 1949, 1952; (5) Dept. Santa Cruz, Provincia Velasco, Toledo (14°42.55′S, 061°9.534′W, a camp belonging to the El Refugio Huanchaca property, outside of the PNNKM, 14 km SW of El Refugio Huanchaca), MNK 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2016; (6) San Martín (14°19.8′S, 062°25.2′W), MNK 1611. (7) Provincia Guarayos; Urubicha, Río Negro (14°58.33′S, 062°36.36′W), MNK uncataloged, field no. NR10, only skin seen; Departamento Beni; (8) San Joaquín (13°4.0′S, 064°49.0′W), USNM 460272, 460738; (9) Yutioles (13°15′S, 064°48′W), USNM 460429; (10) Curicha (12°37.02′S, 063°31.02′W), USNM 551653–4. Morphometric: adult (N = 7; ages 3;nd5) USNM 597563, USNM 597565, USNM 5975677, USNM 597569, USNM 597571–2, USNM 59776 (localities listed above).
Oryzomys megacephalus: BRAZIL, Pará, Rio Xingu, 53 km SSW Altamira, USNM 549542–50, 549813–4; Mato Grosso, Barra do Garças, MVZ 197663; Mato Grosso do Sul, 54 km W. Dourados, MVZ 197675. Morphometric: (N = 18 adult); BRAZIL, Amazonas, 554848; Mato Grosso: Reserva Ecológica Cristalino, 40 km N Alta Floresta MVZ 197525; Fazenda Lagoa Bonita, 36 km N Barra do Garças, MVZ 197526; Fazenda São Luis, 30 km N Barra do Garças, MVZ 197528, 197530–1; Fazenda Noirumbá, 34 km NW Ribeirão Cascalheira, MVZ197535–6; Tocantins, Rio Santa Teresa, 20 km NW Piexe, MVZ 197533–4; Minas Gerais, Mata do Vasco, 12 km W Nova Ponte, MVZ197537–9. Localities listed above, USNM 549542–5, 549548.
Oryzomys perenensis: BRAZIL, Amazonas, Rio Juruá, Penedo, right bank, MVZ 190458–71; Rio Juruá, left bank, Igarapé Nova Empresa, MVZ 190481–84; Rio Juruá, right bank, Seringal Condor, MVZ 190485–94; PERU, Madre de Dios; Río Manu, USNM 530922–3, 559397–8, 559416; Río Tambopata, USNM390066–7, 399626, 53092–4; Junín, Vitoc, USNM 507246. Morphometric: (N = 34 adult) USNM 390066, USNM 530923–4, 559397; USNM 507246; MVZ 190458, MVZ 190460–71, MVZ 190481–4, MVZ 190485–94 (localities listed above).
Oryzomys laticeps: BRAZIL, Bahia, Jequié, USNM 545055–6; Ilheos (Ilhéus), USNM 304571; Fazenda Bolandeira, 10 km S Una, MVZ 197606, 197631. Morphometric: (N = 4 adult) USNM 545055–6, 304571; MVZ 197606 (localities listed above).
Sequence Divergence:
According to Kimura 2-parameter distances within and among each of the five taxa within the megacephalus complex sensu latu (table 1), the sample from eastern Bolivia is markedly different from all other species in the complex, being closest to O. laticeps from coastal Brazil (K2p mean of 11.99). The remaining comparisons were presented earlier by Patton et al. (2000: table 35). The numerical uniqueness of the Bolivian sample relative to other species is consistent with a species definition based on sequence divergence (e.g., Bradley and Baker, 2000), although we prefer not to base a species concept solely on a simple phenetic distance measure.
Members of the O. megacephalus group of taxa appear monophyletic with respect to other such groups in the genus, at least with the limited taxon and gene sequences available (Smith and Patton, 1999; Bonvicino and Moreira, 2001; Weksler, 2003). However, the level of bootstrap support uniting the four taxa of this complex, including the new Bolivian taxon, relative to O. yunganus and the outgroup members of the O nitidus complex, is only 71 (data from the large, 86-sequence analysis not shown). The branch-and-bound analysis of the truncated dataset of these taxa yielded two minimal-length trees of 740 steps (fig. 1). Of the 801 characters in the analysis, 515 are constant across all sequences, 65 are parsimony uninformative, and 221 are parsimony informative. The two trees differ only in the position of two sequences within the O. laticeps clade; all other nodes are shared in common. Bootstrap support for each species clade ranges from a minimum of 93 (the basal node of O. megacephalus) to 99 (basal node of O. yunganus) and 100 (basal nodes for the other three taxa). Oryzomys yunganus is consistently placed at the base of a clade containing the remaining four species, although again with only limited bootstrap support (74). The four taxa of the restricted megacephalus group (sensu Costa, 2003) exhibit a consistent hierarchical structure in both trees of (O. megacephalus (O. laticeps (O. perenensis + O. n.sp.))). However, none of the connecting nodes has bootstrap support greater than 50. As a consequence, we cannot offer a robust hypothesis of relationships among any of the four megacephalus group species with the limited amount of available sequence data. Thus, the apparent closer relationship between the new taxon and O. laticeps suggested by their more similar sequence divergence (table 1) cannot be supported by the hierarchical analysis. What is clear, however, is that both genetic distance and phylogenetic placement indicate equal uniqueness of the new Bolivian specimens in comparison to the other taxa in the group currently recognized as species (Musser et al., 1998; Patton et al., 2000; Costa, 2003).
Morphometric Divergence:
Summaries of external and cranial mensural variables (table 2) show the sample from Bolivia to be generally intermediate in most external and cranial dimensions between O. megacephalus and O. perenensis, with O. laticeps the largest of the four taxa. In pairwise comparisons, the new taxon is significantly different from one or more of these other three species in 3 of the 4 external and in 19 of 20 cranial variables, with the exception of tail length (Tal) and rostral width-1 (RW-1), different significantly from O. laticeps in 9 variables, from O. megacephalus in 18 variables, and from O. perenensis in 8 variables (table 3).
The first three axes of the Principal Components Analysis accounted for a total of 68.6% of the total variation present, and each of these axes had eigenvalues of 1.466 or greater. Not surprisingly, the unrotated factors on PC-1 were all positive and relatively high (table 4), suggesting a general size component. The position of individual specimens along PC-2 generally is weighted most heavily by rostral length (logRL), mesopterygoid fossa width (logMPFW), and interorbital constriction (logIOC) opposing basioccipital length (logBOL) and nasal length (logNL), while position on PC-3 is weighted most heavily by cranial depth (logCD), occipitalcondyle breadth (logOCB), and maxillary toothrow length (logMTRL) versus diastema length (logD) and mesopterygoid fossa length (logMPFL).
Each of the four taxa of the megacephalus complex examined morphometrically is separable along combinations of PC-1 and PC-2 and, to a lesser extent, on PC2 and PC-3 axes (fig. 2). The new taxon from Bolivia differs significantly from O. laticeps on PC-2 and PC-3 (table 3), from O. megacephalus on PC-1 and PC-2, and from O. perenensis on PC2. Oryzomys laticeps differs from the latter two on all three axes, but O. megacephalus and O. perenensis are broadly overlapping, particularly on the second and third axes.
Three canonical axes were extracted from the same set of morphological variables used in the PCA analysis, the first explaining 69.47%, the second 21.57%, and the third 8.96% of the total variance (table 5). The predefined species groups are each highly significantly different from one another, with the Mahalanobis D2 for the comparisons between the Bolivian taxon and each of the other three species 42.56 (O. laticeps; F(20,40) = 3.029, p = 0.0014), 51.14 (O. perenensis; F(20,40) = 9.957, p < 0.0001), and 35.53 (O. megacephalus; F(20,40) = 5.971, p < 0.0001). Not surprisingly, therefore, all individual specimens are correctly assigned to their respective species groups with posterior probabilities of group membership < 0.99989.
As is apparent from the bivariate plots of each pair of canonical axes, the new taxon from Bolivia is readily and completely separable from all other species along the second canonical axis (fig. 3, top and bottom panels), but overlaps with the scores of O. megacephalus on CV-1 and CV-3 (fig. 3, middle panel). Oryzomys laticeps is uniquely separable from the other three species on CV-3, and both O. megacephalus and O. perenensis are completely separable on CV-1 but overlap substantially on both CV-2 and CV-3. Based on the standardized discriminant coefficients, the combination of rostral width-2 and diastema length versus palatal length distinguish the Bolivian taxon from all others on the first axis (table 5). Clearly, in morphometric terms, the Bolivian taxon is markedly distinct from other members of the megacephalus complex of species distributed in the lowland tropical forests of cis-Andean South America.
Oryzomys acritus, new species Figures 4–13; tables 2, 6
MNK 3628, collected 6 November 1998 by Louise H. Emmons (field no. LHE1540). A young adult male with hindquarters terminating molt from juvenile to adult pelage, prepared as a skin and skull, liver tissue preserved in ethanol. External measurements recorded on label: TL = 261, T = 121, HF = 32, E = 20, weight = 57 g. Testes scrotal, 8 × 5 mm.
Paratypes: USNM 588193, 597563–79; MNK (uncataloged) field nos. IGP 45, IGP 47, IGP 55– 6, LHE 1582, NRS 09, NRS 13, NRS 16, NRS 25, VCC 01–5, VCC 08, VCC 11, VCC 15; all from the type locality; USNM 588192, from Huanchaca II; and MNK uncataloged LHE 1680, from Los Fierros. Only specimens from localities within PNNKM are designated as paratypes.
Type Locality:
Bolivia: Departamento de Santa Cruz, Provincia Velasco, Parque Nacional Noël Kempff Mercado, El Refugio Huanchaca, an outpost with a few buildings and an airstrip on private property, but within the park (14°42.553 ′S, 061°2.034 ′W [WGS 84]; elev. 170 m); on older published maps, the locality now known as El Refugio Huanchaca is shown as Huanchaca, an estancia. In 2004 the present owners added Huanchaca to their former designation of El Refugio, which appears on specimen labels and is the same locality. Captured in a deciduous forest 3.5 km north of the outpost.
A medium-sized terrestrial rat. Dorsal color near Olive Brown to Saccado's Umber (olive brown 28 of Smithe, 1975), cheeks and sides with orange tones, Buckthorn Brown to Ochraceous Tawny (clay color 26 to cinnamon 123A of Smithe); rostrum and top of head to behind eyes dusky, close to Deep Neutral Gray, lined with black-tipped hairs, contrasting with brown top of crown. Pelage long, tips of most hairs at mid-rump reaching 9 mm; ventral fur dense and long, 3–4 mm on chest between forelegs; hairs pale gray at base with long white tips, overall ventral appearance whitish, inner limbs white; white of inner hind legs continuous with whitish tops of feet. Hind foot pads large, interdigital and hypothenar pads wider than 1.3 mm. Cranium lacking squamosoalisphenoid groove and sphenofrontal foramen (Musser et al. 1998); bony palatal excrescences strongly developed (fig. 4). Upper second molar with a short paraflexus and a single fossette; lower second molar with a short hypoflexid opposite a lingual fossettid (fig. 5).
Distribution and Habitat:
Oryzomys acritus were captured by LHE at four localities in the PNNKM and one just outside its borders (fig. 4, localities 1–5). The park is on the Brazilian Shield; its vegetation is a mosaic of humid, semi deciduous and deciduous forests and liana forests, and wet and dry savanna and cerrado formations. The biota and geology are described in detail in Killeen and Schulenberg (1998) and the vegetation also in Panfil (2001). These rats were captured on the ground with Sherman, Tomahawk, and break-back traps and a standardized bait of oatmeal and raisins flavored with fish oil and essences of vanilla, banana, and coconut, in forests that ranged from evergreen riverine or gallery forest to deciduous and semideciduous terra firme and seasonally flooded forest bordering seasonally flooded pampa. One locality (Huanchaca II) is at 700 m on top of the Huanchaca meseta, but its forest is similar in species composition of both flora and fauna to that of the lower elevation sites where the species was found within the park (Killeen and Schulenberg, 1998). These forests either have a seasonally deciduous emergent canopy, sparse understory, and midstory varying in deciduousness depending both on the location and on the dryness of the particular year, or are liana forests, with low canopies and dense lianas at all levels. Additional specimens were identified in collections from near San Joaquín, Departmento Beni, and Guarayos, Departmento Santa Cruz. All localities identified thus far are in the area drained by western tributaries of the basin of the Río Itenez (named Rio Guaporé in Brazil: fig. 6).
From the Greek akritos, “confused, mixed, doubtful” (Brown, 1956), with reference to the mixed characters that can be confused with those of O. megacephalus or even O. nitidus.
A medium-sized rat (table 2) of similar aspect and color to Oryzomys megacephalus sensu Patton et al. (2000). Above brown to yellow-brown with hairs gray-based, younger individuals darker and less yellowish than old animals; occasional individuals bleached slightly reddish overall. Sides paler than dorsum, yellowish to distinctly orange, brightest on cheeks and below ear; lateral color can extend from thigh forward to cheeks below eye and to whitish spot at base of mystacial vibrissae. Rostrum dusky above to behind eyes, with dusky-tipped cream or whitish hairs. Anteroventral base of ear with inconspicuous preauricular tuft of entirely whitish or pale gray hairs sometimes tipped with pale rufous, probably associated with a cutaneous gland. Pinnae brown, thinly clothed on the interior surface with whitish or, rarely, brown hairs. Skin surrounding eye blackish. Ventral pelage whitish; hairs quite long, pale gray at bases with long white tips; white of inner legs extending to join pure white of fore and hind feet; hair at wrists white-based; chin spot self-white. Pelage at mid-rump with majority of hairs measuring 8–10 mm (a few longer hairs may be present). Ventral pelage on chest between forelegs 3–4 mm. Tail dusky, paler below at base, but not prominently bicolored, clothed with inconspicuous short, fine, dusky hairs. Hind feet long and narrow (terrestrial type), with digits II–IV noticeably longer than I and V; soles brown but not strongly pigmented. Six footpads always present, hypothenar and fourth interdigital pads broad (fig. 7); thenar pad with strongly raised part of pad short and nearly round; squamae between and around pads inconspicuous.
Cranium similar to those of other members of the megacephalus group, with most diagnostic features as outlined by Musser et al. (1998), including no squamosoalisphenoid groove or sphenofrontal foramina; incisive foramen short and broad, teardrop-shaped (figs. 8, 9, 10); and bony palate long. Supraorbital ridge prolonged into strongly developed temporal ridge that extends across parietal to occipital suture. Parietal usually with a small but distinct contribution to lateral braincase wall exhibited by a ventrad extension of the posterolateral border of the parietal forward of the parieto-occipital suture (Musser et al., 1998: fig. 62); area of ventral contribution appears to decrease with age. Foramen ovale large and rounded, such that the opening is visible below the alisphenoid when the skull is viewed from the side (fig. 11). Anterior rim of auditory meatus usually notched, notch depth decreasing with age (fig. 11). Second upper molar with a long paraflexus, a short hypoflexus, and a labial fossette, but no medial fossette; second lower molar with hypoflexid reaching halfway or less across tooth, opposite a lingual fossettid (figs. 5, 12).
Comparison with Other Species
We compare O. acritus only with the geographically adjacent members of the megacephalus group, O. perenensis and O. megacephalus, and with the genetically most closely related O. laticeps. As comparisons between these and members of other Oryzomys species and species groups are detailed and illustrated in Musser et al. (1998), we mention only a few of them, and we did not compare any O. megacephalus from north of the Amazon river. Externally, O. acritus is distinguishable from lowland populations of O. megacephalus and O. perenensis by its longer dorsal and ventral pelage (however, montane O. perenensis are similarly long furred). It is distinguishable from O. perenensis and O. laticeps by its orange-toned lateral color, and from lowland O. perenensis by its whiter venter (fig. 13) and white interior ankles. Oryzomys laticeps lacks the pale preauricular tuft that is present in the other three species, and its ventral pelage can have a yellowish tinge, unlike the generally pure white ventral hair tips of the others. The dorsal pelage of both O. acritus and O. megacephalus is slightly paler and more warm toned (yellow or reddish) than that of O. perenensis and O. laticeps (fig. 13), such that some older, redder individuals could be confused in the hand with O. nitidus (as can some O. megacephalus). Sympatric O. nitidus are larger, with a much clearer, brighter, and better defined orange lateral pelage and a bicolored tail. Oryzomys acritus has a dusky rostrum with blackish hair tips, contrasting with its brown crown, and differs from O. megacephalus, whose paler, Buffy Brown tipped rostral hairs do not contrast with the crown (fig. 13). Oryzomys perenensis and O. laticeps also have dusky rostra with dark-tipped hairs, but their crowns are darker and do not contrast with the rostral color.
The hind footpads of two taxa have distinguishing characters. We examined only three fluid specimens of O. acritus, one a juvenile, so a larger series could alter our perception of differences. Oryzomys acritus has broader first interdigital and hypothenar pads than any of the other species (table 6). Oryzomys megacephalus is distinguished from all others by its small to tiny interdigital and hypothenar pads (fig. 7), a feature that is also illustrated in Voss et al. (2001: fig. 53). The plantar pads and squamae of O. perenensis are much more darkly pigmented than those of the other species. Oryzomys laticeps alone has large and prominent squamae, noticeable even on dried skins. The plantar skin of the first digit of all three O. acritus that we examined had a single complete dermal “ring”, distal to several interrupted or broken rings (fig. 7), whereas O. megacephalus had two (N = 3) or three rings (N = 1) , O. perenensis had two2 rings (N = 8) , and O. laticeps had one (N = 1), two (N = 2), or three rings (N = 1). We examined this feature on fluid-preserved material only; larger samples are needed to confirm the constancy of these differences.
The lower second molars of both O. acritus and O. megacephalus have a short metaflexid opposite a lingual fossettid, whereas O. perenensis and O. laticeps have long hypoflexi and lack a fossettid in this tooth (fig. 12).3 Oryzomys acritus shares with the other three species the long paraflexus of M2 that is linked to the absence of a medial fossette (Musser et al., 1998); this configuration thus remains a character that unites all members of the species complex (fig. 12).
The crania of the four megacephalus complex taxa are difficult to distinguish by qualitative characters, although the morphometric analysis shows that they are distinct in combination of size variables (figs. 2 and 3; table 2). Because for all measurements, the length ranges overlap among species, no simple size key can readily assign a cranium to species. Oryzomys laticeps is distinctly the largest taxon and O. megacephalus the smallest, with the other two taxa intermediate between them. Differences between the taxa are summarized in table 7, but we admit that specimens of O. acritus are not easy to distinguish from O. megacephalus, especially when the preparations are in poor condition.
The genus Oryzomys has been progressively dismantled by taxonomists (Gardner and Patton, 1976; Carleton and Musser, 1989; Musser et al., 1998; Voss and Carleton, 1993). Recent studies with nuclear DNA sequencing (Weksler, 2003) support previous evidence (e.g., Voss and Carleton, 1993) that the genus Oryzomys is not monophyletic, and we anticipate that the O. megacephalus complex (including O. yunganus), the O. subflavus complex, the O. nitidus complex, and as many as six other taxa will in short order each be segregated into separate genera (Weksler, 2003). This question is only pertinent here in that our results clearly place O. acritus in a clade with O. megacephalus, O. perenensis, and O. laticeps.
To date, we have found sympatry of O. acritus with O. nitidus and O. yunganus, each one a member of divergent species groups of the former “O. capito” complex, but thus far no sympatry has been detected with O. perenensis or O. megacephalus. Moreover, based on Emmons' data, O. acritus is sympatric with two species of the O. subflavus complex. In six of seven consecutive years of trapping in the PNNKM, Emmons found O. acritus to be the numerically dominant species of forest Oryzomys, with up to 2.7% capture rate. In the seventh trapping year (2004) O. nitidus was the numerically dominant murid, as is the case in Bolivian dry forests to the northwest, west, and southwest of the PNNKM. Oryzomys nitidus were caught in the same trap lines as O. acritus, but unlike O. acritus, O. nitidus were occasionally trapped in grasslands, along with species of the O. subflavus group.
The small known geographic range of O. acritus is sandwiched between the much larger ranges of O. megacephalus to the east, and O. perenensis to the west (fig. 14; Patton et al., 2000; Costa, 2003), and it could be a relictual species. Recent palynological evidence from the PNNKM suggests that humid forests have been expanding for the past 3,000 years, and currently occupy the most southerly position attained during at least the past 50,000 years (Mayle et al., 2000). The gallery forests of the Rio Itenez and humid forests associated with the Huanchaca meseta (a storm generator that captures moisture) may have maintained pockets of humid forest surrounded by pampa inhospitable to forest rodents, during periods of forest contraction, thus allowing the persistence of isolated populations of forest fauna and flora. Oryzomys perenensis shows strong genetic evidence consistent with recent rapid expansion (Lessa et al., 2003). Expanding populations of O. perenensis and perhaps O. megacephalus may have reached the edges of the range of O. acritus and confined its populations, since unlike O. nitidus complex rats, which show geographical overlap (Musser et al., 1998; Costa, 2003) , all O. megacephalus complex rats appear to be allopatric. This hypothesis should be testable by genetic techniques.
The mammal fauna of the PNNKM has several mammalian taxa in common with faunas of central Brazilian Cerrado and/or forest localities to the east, but not found much to the west of the Park or north of the Beni. These include the rodent genus Kunsia and the marsupial species Monodelphis domestica, M. kunsi, and Caluromys philander. Two recently described species of Juscelinomys (Emmons, 1999), currently known only from the PNNKM, have a single known congener (perhaps now extinct) that has been found only in the Distrito Federal of Brasilia, another possible example of relictual species surviving from an old, Central Brazilian Murid fauna.
This work was part of Emmons' studies of the biodiversity of the PNNKM, in collaboration with the Museo de Historia Natural Noël Kempff Mercado, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. We thank Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza and SERNAP for their continuing support of research in the PNNKM and Damián Rumiz and Kathia Rivero for help with logistics and permits. Alan Weedon and the Weedon Foundation generously hosted Emmons' project at El Refugio Huanchaca, and Ian and Barbara Phillips provided inestimable help there. Emmons' fieldwork in the PNNKM was also supported by the Douroucouli Foundation, The National Geographic Society, Wildlife Conservation Society, Amazon Conservation Association, and the W. Alton Jones Foundation. We are grateful to Bridget Sousa for help with generating the cyt b sequences and to Lucia Luna for measuring specimens and translating the abstract. Norka Rocha, Veronica Chávez, Matthew Swarner, and Fernando Del Aguila provided cheerful field assistance during difficult trapping conditions. Michael Carleton, Alfred Gardner, Robert Voss, Leonora Costa, and an anonymous reviewer improved the manuscript with careful revisions.
Fig. 1.
Strict consensus of two equally most parsimonious trees based on a branch-and-bound analysis of 26 ingroup sequences, each 801 bp long, from the cytochrome b gene. Included are multiple sequences for each of four taxa of the Oryzomys megacephalus group and O. yunganus. The tree is rooted by comparison to single sequences from each of five species of the O. nitidus group. Voucher numbers are given for each specimen. Provenance and other data for all but the new Bolivian taxon can be found in Patton et al. (2000) and Costa (2003). Bootstrap values (based on 1,000 iterations) are given at each basal node. Tree length = 741 steps; consistency index = 0.520; homoplasy index = 0.480

Fig. 2.
Bivariate plots of individual scores of four taxa of the O. megacephalus complex along the first and second (top) and second and third principal components axes (bottom). Scores for each taxon are enclosed in a polygon and identified by name. The percent of the total variation explained by each axis is indicated

Fig. 3.
Bivariate plots of group centroids on canonical variates derived from discriminant functional analysis. Individual scores of four taxa of the Oryzomys megacephalus complex along the first and second canonical variates. Scores for each taxon are enclosed in a polygon and identified by name. The percent of the total variation explained by each axis is indicated

Fig. 5.
Tooth wear series of O. acritus, age classes I to IV. Paratypes, from left to right (USNM 597564, 597577, 597576, 597563)

Fig. 6.
Map of Bolivia showing known localities of O. acritus; see specimens examined for names and coordinates; open circle (locality 1) represents the type locality

Fig. 7.
Soles of left hind feet of (A) Oryzomys acritus (USNM 597574); (B) O. megacephalus (MVZ 197663), note tiny hypothenar pad; (C) O. perenensis (MVZ 191254); (D) O. laticeps (MVZ 197631). Interdigital pads are numbered; H indicates hypothenar pad; S indicates plantar squamae. R is adjacent to the single complete dermal ring on first digit of O. acritus; note presence of two rings in B and C and three in D

Fig. 8.
Dorsal view of crania of four species of the megacephalus complex, from top down: O. acritus (USNM 597577), O. laticeps (USNM 545056), O. megacephalus (USNM 549547), O. perenensis (USNM 530924)

Fig. 11.
Crania of young adult O. acritus (USNM 597577; above) and O. megacephalus (USNM 549548; below). Arrows point to notch in rim of meatus, large foramen ovale, and strongly developed bony palatal excrescences of O. acritus

Fig. 12.
Occlusal cheekteeth of four species of the megacephalus complex, maxillary teeth above, mandibular teeth below; left to right: O. acritus (USNM 597577), O. laticeps (USNM 304571), O. megacephalus (USNM 549547), O. perenensis (USNM 549524). Note presence of fossettid (arrow) in O. acritus and O. megacephalus, and absence of fossettid and longer hypoflexid (opposite fossettid) in the two others

Fig. 13.
Anterior and lateral views of skins. Top, from left: O. laticeps (USNM 545056), O. perenensis (USNM 530924), O. megacephalus (USNM 549548), O. acritus (USNM 597565). Below, from top, O. laticeps (USNM 545056), O. perenensis (USNM 582890), O. megacephalus (USNM 549548), O. acritus (USNM 597563). Note the warmer dorsal color of O. megacephalus and O. acritus, the contrasting dusky rostrum of O. acritus, paler and more uniform head color of O. megacephalus, and the slightly whiter venter of O. acritus compared to more grayish underparts of the upper two specimens

Fig. 14.
Geographic ranges of megacephalus complex Oryzomys. Points indicate localities of specimens for which the cyt-b gene has been sequenced (many other localities are known); shading shows approximate geographic region occupied by the O. megacephalus complex. Modified from Costa (2003)

Matrix of Kimura 2-Parameter Distances (×100) Within and Among Taxa of the Oryzomys megacephalus Complex of Species, Plus O. yunganusa

Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Standard Error, Sample Size, and Range) of Cranial Measurements of Four Species of the Oryzomys megacephalus Group


Character Comparisons Based on ANOVA Between Oryzomys, New Species, and Three Other Species of the Oryzomys megacephalus Complex


Factor Loadings on the First Three Axes of a Principal Components Analysis Based on 20 Log-transformed Cranial Variables

Standardized Discriminant Coefficients in Comparisons Among Four Species of the Oryzomys megacephalus Complex

Mean Width and Standard Deviation, in Millimeters, of Interdigital (ID) and Hypothenar Hind Foot Pads and Hind Foot Length of the Same Specimens

Summary of Distinguishing Characters Among Members of the megacephalus Group

[1] We note that in the photo of the teeth of the neotype (UMMZ 133811) of Mus megacephalus Fischer, 1814, from Paraguay, shown in Musser et al. (1998: fig. 119), a fossettid is not evident in m2. However, the hypoflexid is short, as in O. megacephalus from Brazil that we examined (fig. 12), and perhaps the fossettid was worn away on the neotype. The first lower molar of the neotype also does not show the prominent fossettid in the anteroloph of m1, visible in young specimens of all members of the megacephalus complex that we examined. Genetic evidence clearly associates some Paraguayan O. megacephalus with animals collected thousands of kilometers to the north (fig. 1; Patton et al., 2000: fig. 97), and we do not question the placement of samples from Pará in O. megacephalus.